The Club & Off The Right Track

The Club and Off The Right Track are two PSAs produced at Humber College in third year as part of the PSA assignment.

The Club is a PSA produced in partnership with Woman ACT (Woman Abuse Council of Toronto) to raise awareness of gender-based violence.

Off The Right Track is a PSA produced in partnership with CLEAR (Canadians for Leading Edge Alzheimer's Research) to raise awareness of alzheimer's and dementia.

Firstly, Assisting the Director

Working as 1st Assistant Director for these PSAs was my first time in the role. I was in charge of organizing the shooting schedule for two different shoots, two different directors, two different stylistic approaches, with two different sets of crews, all over one weekend, in one location.  

Our crew took upon the task of preparing and shooting two PSAs only a couple of weeks after our Capstone Projects wrapped filming. The schedule was tight, and crew members were often juggling multiple roles at a time. It was my job to ensure that our shoots happened, and that both could be completed over the course of one weekend. Assisted by the invaluable guidance of our Producer Elle Lloyd, I was able to ensure that two wildly different shoots successfully wrapped filming.

More About the PSAs

The Club
Length: 2 minutes
Directed by: Anastaiia Klymova
Produced by: Elle Lloyd
Organization: Woman ACT (Woman Abuse Council of Toronto)
Synopsis: Four college girls are getting ready for a night out at the club, as they play a game of “Never Have I Ever” reflecting on the times they were in danger of their daily lives.
Off The Right Track
Length: 2 minutes 
Directed by: Lukas Wojcicki 
Produced by: Elle Lloyd
Organization: CLEAR (Canadians for Leading Edge Alzheimer's Research)
Synopsis: In the comfort of his living room, Al, who is grappling with Alzheimer's, experiences a surge of confusion and fear when his wife's mention of a family member triggers a disconnect from his own past. As the familiarity of his surroundings fades into unsettling sketches, the poignant reality of Alzheimer's grips him, illustrating the profound impact of memory loss.