
xXGamerGodXx is a short action comedy produced at Western University for the Film Production course.

A short film about a gamer who gets stuck in an advanced virtual reality nightmare.

My First Short Film

xXGamerGodXx is what made me decide to become a filmmaker.

I was at Western University completing my Music degree when I decided to take some film electives. Greg De Souza's Film Production course was a new crash course on the basics of filmmaking: camera operation, sound recording, cinematography standards like over the shoulder framing, use of parallel thirds, and cutting on action.

Our final project for the class was to create a short film using the techniques we learned over the semester. I was lucky enough to be in a group of extremely talented individuals that were also down to do anything. After several thorough brainstorming sessions, and many instances of "can we actually do that?" we settled on the concept of a gamer trapped in a virtual reality nightmare. We pulled influence from many different sources of inspiration: Spy Kids 3D, Hardcore Henry, They Live, even Fairly OddParents. Our script was minimal, and a lot of our ideas came from the locations we found to shoot in. But we all were fully, 100% dedicated to the concept that any decision made, any "can I try this?" was encouraged and usually made it to the final cut.

From long nights shooting in an elevator, running along the Thames trail on campus, filming two scenes in the most cinematic drizzle we could have hoped for, twelve hour days locked in the editing suite, to making changes the morning of the premiere; we put together a film that was entertaining, funny, and, most importantly, incredibly fun to make.

I completed my music degree at Western University, but I look back on my time shooting this film so fondly. Without this experience I genuinely would not have ended up where I am today and I am forever grateful for Greg De Souza's class and my classmates that helped make this short film become (un)reality.

Watch xXGamerGodXx

xXGamerGodXx from Stephanie Cowan on Vimeo.